The assignment for the second project is to represent yourself by creating the letters of your name from a variety of objects. We are required to choose a font and form our letters as closely as possible to it. I chose to use Avenir 95 Black for my letters because it is clean and simple. These are my ideas so far:
S - use scarves to form letter
T - carve letter into the side of a large candle...light candle for photograph
E - pour out coffee grounds to form letter...include coffee mug and spoon in photograph
P - cut letter into top crust before baking pie
H - form letter using armature wire
A - carve letter into mango
N - lay out several playing cards to form letter
I - use whipped cream to form the stem of letter and a cherry as the dot
E - write letter in sand at the edge of water
B - use stencil to spray paint letter in snow
R - use crayon shavings to form letter...include full size crayons in photograph
I - draw letter using resist then splatter paint onto it
S - create shadow...kind of like the batman symbol
T - poke several thumbtacks into bulletin board
O - use thread to stitch letter onto cloth
W - write letter on bottom corner of chalkboard using white chalk...take photograph at an angle
Stitched letters usually look really good.